Our Media Training Courses
Presenter Courses
Our presenter training courses are designed to transform your career so that you have unbreakable confidence in yourself, achieve your full potential, and operate at your highest performance. By enrolling in one of our courses, you will gain first-hand knowledge from our industry experts, allowing you to stand out from the crowd, increase your visibility, and land the job you want.
Corporate Coaching
In a business, there may be times when you will have to communicate with the media or present your ideas to large groups. At The Broadcast Institute, we offer bespoke workshops for your business that are catered around your schedule.
Public Speaking Training
Public speaking may come to some naturally. But, others may lack the confidence to get their points across effectively and with clarity. Our founder, Paul Connolly, has years of experience in public speaking, both professionally and in front of high-profile audiences.
How Do We Do it?
So, what’s our secret? What can you expect?
In truth, there are none. Sure, there are public speaking techniques that greatly increase our chances of performing well in a media interview, becoming a spokesperson and appearing charismatic on camera. But, great media training, mentorship and consultancy are much more than that.
At The Broadcast Institute, we are here to provide highly-effective media training courses that are here to remove the fear of public speaking and the myths on how you should or shouldn’t act. We work closely with individuals and corporations, providing bespoke media training and techniques on how to improve communication skills and public speaking.
It’s about finding the right solution for you. It is important to gain confidence and knowledge on how to present yourself, with the right media trainer. The Broadcast Institute shows each and every client how to perfect these core resources, through practical and engaging media training workshops and master classes. We reveal a step-by-step pathway to lasting success that has turned founder, Paul Connolly, into an internationally renowned spokesperson and media trainer.
Among many other elements, it’s that unique methodology and the vast industry experience that underpins our media training and presenting courses that sets us apart.
We love what we do. Allow us to show you why.